26 April 2021
Regulation 14
Neighbourhood planning regulations (Regulation 14) require the draft neighbourhood plan proposal to be the subject of a pre-submission consultation before it is submitted to the…
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5 October 2020
Design Code Survey
In October 2020, we surveyed 123 people via a Google Form to influence our soon-to-be design code as part of the neighbourhood planning process. A design code is a set of simple,…
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25 August 2020
Neighbourhood Planning Survey
In the summer of 2020, we surveyed 150 people via a Google Form which covered everything from shopping to climate change. This greatly influenced our neighbourhood plan going…
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18 March 2020
AECOM Walkabout
Forum members and AECOM joined us for a walkabout through our designated neighbourhood planning area.
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4 March 2020
Visioning and Objectives
On Friday 21st of February, the Arches ‘Chatham’ Neighbourhood Forum held a Visioning and Objectives activity with our consultant Jim Boot. Led by Jim, Friday’s session looked…
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15 August 2019
We’re designated!
Our neighbourhood planning forum and boundary have been designated.
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