Luton Road Phase 2 response

Arches Chatham Neighbourhood Forum (ACNF) has reviewed Medway Council’s proposals for Phase 2 of the road safety project on Luton Road, Chatham.

We’ve submitted the following response:

‘Our Neighbourhood Plan features a Community Action Plan (CAP), which sets out potential improvements that sit outside the scope of planning policy but are considered important to the future of our area.

‘The CAP outlines locally supported aspirations to ‘humanise’ the car-dominated environment of Luton Road through urban greening, raised crossing points and street furniture decluttering.

‘We welcome the proposals for Phase 2 of the Luton Road casualty reduction scheme and recognise their value in addressing road safety issues. Crucially, the introduction of street trees, soft landscaping areas and visual improvements will provide a significant public benefit to those living and working in the Luton Road area.

‘When viewed holistically the proposed scheme would play an important role in helping to fulfil the objectives of our Neighbourhood Plan, and it will complement the ongoing positive changes being delivered locally.

‘We therefore fully support Phase 2 of the road safety project.’