Neighbourhood Plan Summer Update

In June, we completed our rerun of Regulation 14 that once again invited feedback of the neighbourhood plan and its supporting documents. In light of our recent Strategic Environmental and Habitat Regulations Assessments, this rerun primarily focused on statutory consultees and their feedback.

Now that this process is completed, we enter Regulation 15. This is where the forum (ACNF) are given an opportunity to reflect upon all feedback and make necessary amendments to the plan. From there, the plan and its documents will be submitted to Medway Council.

We’ve intensified our meetings with Medway Council’s planning policy team to ensure deliverability and conformity in our forthcoming submission. Current forecasts predict a yes/no referendum on the plan to coincide with local elections in May.

Our journey isn’t over yet as there is still a relatively long road of neighbourhood planning ahead. If you haven’t done so already, please consider joining our forum by clicking